
At Acme Professionals, we employ a diversity of people with exceptional talent, passion and desire that will fulfil our mission of advancing knowledge. Working at Acme Professionals is a fulfilling experience as our forward-thinking mindset impacts positively on the lives of students and staff.

Conference Coordinator

Vacancy exist for Conference Coordinator

  • Advertise and promote events internally and externally as appropriate, including creating leaflets and flyers, internal marketing (email, social media, secure networking platform)
  • Promote and monitor attendance at all events, managing delegate bookings and correspondence.
  • Prepare conference packs in advance as needed.
  •  Set up online registrations and links.
  • Book and organise venues liaise with the venue and other staff, catering, accommodation, parking, and signage as needed.
  • Organise exhibitions at the conferences as appropriate, including selling advertising space and promotions.
  • Manage the conference desk and support team on the day, including any troubleshooting
  • Take on the implementation and coordination of workshops, conferences, and other events in the training-year calendar.
  • Prepare and manage a budget for each event.
  • Book speakers, and negotiate dates and times for the conference programmes.
  • Ensure all post-conference work is completed, including thanking speakers, organising invoice payments and evaluations, and ensuring that follow-up information is sent out

Suitable candidate must possess a Master degree in Human Resources, Business Management or another closely-related discipline.

Desirable: Bachelors degree with relevant professional qualification.

Also, he/she must have verifiable experience of managing projects – ideally within education sector, working effectively with colleagues, and evaluating outcomes against organisational objectives.

Other required skills are:

  • Good interpersonal and communication skills, fostering professional working relationships and working positively, collaboratively and respectfully with a diverse range of people.
  • A track record of organising events for professionals.
  • Experience of working in a dynamic environment.
  • The ability to demonstrate experience in delivering successful outcomes